We’ve decided to extend the closing date of our Back-To-School-Blues giveaway to the end of October… so there’s no excuse not to enter!!! Free signed books AND a goody bag too… what’s not to like? 20 people will win a copy of Dizzy & Sundae Girl, plus a fab little goody bag… sounds like the perfect way to brighten up your week! And if you already have all the books, then remember they’d also make excellent pressies for friends!!!

All you have to do is tell us – in 50 words or less – your best summer story, snippet or memory! For more info on how to enter, check out the Back-To-School-Blues comp page… and if your entry is really cool, we might even use it online! Entries must be postal only, and sadly this time the comp is open only to readers in the UK & Eire… but again, all the details are in the COMP section. (I PROMISE there’ll be a giveaway especially for overseas readers next month!!!)

I’m still on the road at the moment, heading for events in Redbridge, London & Bath, and then the fabby Queen of Teen ceremony… woo! And yes, I’m still writing too…
Cathy xxx


  1. Cathy has affection and puts her heart on thease books

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  2. your books are the best i cant put it down once i have started i cried in books and lafed.whenever i go to the bookstore i ask mum to get a CATHY CASSIDY book lol!!

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  3. hey cathy your books are the best keep on writing Cathy

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  4. Well my summer was kinda ………. mad. Went abroad for 2 weeks and when i got back there was so much to do. Time just flyed by.

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  5. Hey cathy! my fav book by you is scarlett> i didnt know so much emotion and surprises couid be put into one book! i want to be an author when i grow up and your books inspired me!iv read all your books at least one hundred times and i think they are all fantastic! i am really looking forward to reading angel cake. now i just need to get to a bookshop….

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  6. Dear Cathy Cassidy,

    I am writing a story about two teenagers who get up to all sorts. What nice publisher do you think would publish it for me when I’m done? I am getting so cold at the moment, is it just me or are you lot freezing too? Oh, almost forgot, who won the queen of teen competition, Cathy, was it you? Hope so. I recently read Gingersnaps and I figured I was like Emily in a lot of ways. I’m fat, I had rubbish mean friends before but now I have new BFFs and I have unfortunately had a row with Taz, my BEST friend and Taz, if you read this, PLEASE make up! I only found 1 thing different. I do NOT want a boyfriend, ew! Cathy, I really love your books, they’re soooooooooooooo helpful!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  7. Sadly Emma there are no shortcuts to getting published… it’s a tough task, but by all means give it a go! Check out a book called The Writers Handbook – it has all the info on this subject. You just have to keep trying until you find a publisher who like your work… it took me YEARS!!! Yes, it’s FREEZING just now… Louise Rennison won the Queen of Teen comp, she’s fab, well done Louise!!!

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  8. Hey…!! Just A Quickie To Say Thanks For The Fantabulous Goodie Bag I Got For The Goodies Comp…!! Lots Of Love,
    Sarah x.

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  9. I don’t think my books an inch on yours Cathy and it won’t get a lot of readers but I can try. I am so sad you didn’t win but hey, and who won? I didn’t see that name on the options who you could vote for. Weird. Probably my strange computer. My mother got graduated on wednesday and I am soooooooooooo proud of her, she’s been doing her best for 7 years! Big thanks to mum! She deserves this sooo much! I will try that writers handbook thingy Cathy, tar. I was wondering, can I email you an extract so you can judge it for me? PLEASE PLEASE REPLY! I am so grateful.

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  10. I love your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Igot the Dreams and Doodles daybook, and its fantastic! I love it!
    Never stop writing!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017

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