Sunday 16th March 2008
The winners of the Cool Character Writing Comp are online now… well done to all the fab winners! Check them out now – and take a look at the brilliant new writing comp! Entries are pouring in already…
Thanks to everyone who entered the Cool Character Comp… there were some amazing entries and the standard was higher than ever! It was SOOOO hard to choose the winners, and as usual I picked several in each category, as well as runners-up. And I listed several hundred readers as highly commended, those whose stories or poems stood out in some way… thanks, all of you, for entering. I’m sorry not everyone can be a winner – there were almost 1000 entries, so the competition was stiff! I hope you had fun entering, anyway!
If you love writing, have a go at the new writing comp on the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page now… and good luck!!!
I’m just getting over the ‘flu and settling down to write my next book… top secret for now! Happy writing….
i love all your books and i only need to three more and then i have read the whole set!!
i just cant stop reading your books so i have to read two at a time!!
i don’t get comfused and mixed up, because i nkow them all sooooo well!!
hope you get better soon!!
please put a picture of you on your site i really want to see you or meet you!!!! xxxxx
I love every single one of your books. I have them all and can’t wait for Ginger Snaps or your next book to come out! I will probably get it right away.
i love your book called lucky star i think it is brill i hope you know your one of the best
i entered and lost but it was good fun
On the TERMS for the My Best Friend Rocks competition, it says its open to Ireland and England??!
I just wanna thank you for my outrageously AWESOME prizes and that handwritten note! I’m going to keep it forever!!! And thank you for putting one of the best bits of my short story out as an extract on the website.
Summer xoxo
Thank you so much picking me as a runner up in your “cool character” competition. The prizes are awesome! I love writing more than anything else in the world and I guess it’s just nice for someone to actually read it, seeing as I don’t have that opportunity at school. So thanks for that too.
I love your books, especially sundae girl and driftwood. Ice cream and dreams was fab! Now i can’t wait till Ginger Snaps comes out.
iv always wanted to be a writer and it would be my dreame
Yay I won! Thanks so much for choosing me 😀 I’ve always wanted to be a writer too. The ones I’ve read are all really good and the other winners are amazing 😮
Cathy i think your books are the best i’ve ever read i’ve read Dizzy and now i’m reading Scarlet!!
heres a score out of 100:100