Friday 2nd November 2007
The winners of the Song Title Writing Comp are online now… check them out, and take a look at our brand new writing comp to create a cool character…. go to the YOU section and click WRITER’S WORKSHOP for more info! Well done to EVERYONE who entered, I wish all of you could be winners!
As for me, I am working hard to finish off my 7th book Ginger Snaps… almost there! My Editor says I’m ‘grounded’ until it’s all done, oops!!!! I still have a yukky cold after all that touring around, too.
One thing that cheered me up was seeing the entries for the My Best Friend Rocks South Africa comp – you can see the finalists online at the MBFR link now. It’s great to see that readers all around the world are loving the books – and the comps!
So, don’t let the dark nights and cold weather get you down… check out the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page and start daydreaming!!!
Cathy Cassidy x
Hi cathy,,,
I came to your book signal last week and I got your book sundae girl, the book’s great, I just wanted to say that we think alike because I wrote a story that was from my daydream and on of the characters in it was called JUDY!!!! SPOOKY!!!!
i think its great that one of ur books was on richard and judy
lots of love xxxxx
Hi Cathy!!!!
I love your books and I’d love to meet you, but I live in Peru!!! 🙁 Can’t wait to read Ginger snaps. YOUR BOOKS ARE GR8!!!!!!! They inspire me to write…
hi cathy I love your books they are fab fab fab. I am home educated and I love to read from Amelia p.s it wood be cool if you can come to my grop called shinies I wood be in heven.
Hii!I love your books, they’re awesome!
I can’t wait to read your new book!
hi cathy your books are AMAZING i can’t WAIT for ginger snaps!
WOW! I must say I haven’t been a fan for that long – since your book love, peace and chocolate was a freebie in mizz 🙂 but since then I have read all of your books and can’t wait for ginger snaps to come out. A lot of my friends have now heard of you because of my big mouth 🙂 At least 4 of my m8ts have read at least 1 of your books now!! I am definalty entering your cool character comp, I’ve already started it. Can’t wait til’ your new book comes out, I am definatly reading it. You gotta hurry i’m desprate! 🙂
i won the writing comp go me wooooo
I Can’t wait for gingersnaps yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have met you!!!!!!!!!!!!