Tuesday 26th February 2008
I’m backhome after the Lucky Star paperback tour at last! It was fun – thanks to all the cool kids I met along the way! World Book Week is coming up, and I’ll be doing some events closer to home in Scotland to help celebrate…
On Monday 3rd March I’ll be going to a World Book Week Tea party at Notre Dame High School in Glasgow. Cool! On Tuesday 4th I’ll be in Edinburgh at the Scottish Storytelling Centre at 10.30am, and at 5pm the same day I’ll be in Morningside for a fab, FREE after-school event with FIDRA BOOKS – if you’re in the area, come along and bring a friend! See CATHY’S CAMPER for more details…
On Thursday 6th I’ll be at Stewarton Academy, and finally, on Saturday 8th I’ll be running a FREE Writers Workshop at Castle Douglas Town Hall (Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway) from 11-12pm. I look forward to seeing some of you there! Why not write in and let me know what YOU’RE doing to celebrate? Keep reading, keep smiling… and follow your dreams!
I loved your book ‘Lucky Star’ as soon as I read the first page!!! It was a really good book and I CAN’T WAIT ’til your next bk (Ginger Snaps) comes out!! Will keep checkin book shops all through August!! Love Nic x x
Hey Cathy I absolutly loved reading Dizzy since it had my home town Ayr included in it so can you please write another book with dizzy or a character like Dizzy in it please 🙂 oh and are you coming to Ayrshire At all because i would love to meet you!
Hey Cathy, I just finished the book Scarlett of yours and I must say, it is amazing! I love your style of writing and I was wondering if there was any way to get you to come to North America (*cough Ohio Cough*) anytime? I’d Looovveee to meet you :3 I think you are so unique with your writing style.
Xoxo Hun!
hya, you should release books for world book week. did you know that mizz sold in my whsmith the same day. i never got a copy of ice creams and dreams :[ you write to good…
I just bought your book on <lucky star> on saturday and im already stuck to it. I really love your books and i hope to see you. My country is singapore but i think you’ll not be coming. will you?
i hope you’ll come so i can shake hands with you! have you heard of singapore? your books are sold here! Im very lucky indeed to be able to talk to you through commenting. I really hope you will send me updates on your books through email.
until then,
your fanns still encourage you to write more!
yours formally,
josephine – your bookie fann >.<“
Our school have just got your books in last week and we are all fighting over them!!!!!!!! do u have any plans to come to london???? my favourite book is “scarlet”, but thats the only one ive been able to put my hands on!
Cool sounds awesome – cant wait for my world book week voucher!
We had to dress up at school on world book day- it was great fun, we got given a booklet to order books with- your book lucky star is in there im going to order it!
hiya cathy u ok thank u for the letter u send me back and i really really love ya books they are the best books i have ever read u are the best author ever
bye lov ya
PLease plaease please Cathy can you come to Australia! I would love to meet you (being your biggest fan and all!) Your books are soooooo amazing, I have read Dizzy four times! OOOOHHH can you also give me some tips on writing, LOVE YA! mwas xoxxo Jess!