Are you dressing up to celebrate World Book Day this year? If you are dressing up as a fave character from one of my books… Scarlett, Cat, Ginger, Joey, Dizzy, Indie or Jude… send me a photo of you in costume. I will post the best pics on the website and send a goody bag to the five best photos… what are you waiting for?!!!!

Send your photos by clicking here only.

Have you got your entry in for the fab MBFR comp 2009? Click this MBFR link for all the details and tell me why YOUR best friend rocks!!!

Are you in Australia or New Zealand? You may not be eligible for the fab MBFR comp but you can enter a special comp to meet me when I tour Australia & New Zealand in May… click here for more details of how to enter!

And don’t forget to tell me how you’re celebrating World Book Day….

Comments on WORLD BOOK DAY COMP!!!!

  1. when is World book day!?
    im gonna dress up as joey from driftwood!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  2. I did! I dressed up as Scarlett Murray, i dyed my hair pinkish-red and wore a red check mini and leggings. I painted my nails black & red and got everyone to call me Scarlett. It was wa-a-a-ay fun ‘coz when i got in trouble i said that i was being Scarlett and they let me off with it!!!!!! Ha ha haaaaaaa( Evil Genius Laugh)
    Cathy, can you please write a book that is aimed to be a diary from someone becoz i reckon they are the best books ever. Watch out Louise Rennison, Cathy writes better books but isn’t as well known, because you need a book of Cathy’s made into a FILM to make her wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-y popular.

    Scarlett for the day
    aka Dani Wilson

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  3. i know its hard being bullied as i have been it a couple of times. the second time driftwood helped me through it so THANKS for writing it. your my ace favourite author, i even started reasearching you for one of my school projects. i go to langside primary and are in primary 6. yours sincerely
    rebecca galloway age 11

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  4. For world book day my school did a quiz about the books in the libary and authors, there was one on you cathy;) it was one where you had to choose which book out of 5 that were wrote down that you didn’t write;) it was the easiest question on the quiz!! lol but i won the quiz;) me and 2 of my friends and my ex-friend won:D hehe we got to choose a free book from the book fair and get a free poster:P i wanted one of your books but they only had Ginger Snaps but i already had it:L lol

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  5. i wrote a book review on Scarlett at school and its still up on the wall

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017

    Posted by: D on 7th November 2017
  7. what is world book day and when is it

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  8. cathy u ar the best book writer when is world book day? catch u later bye

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  9. hello Cathy i adore English therefore on world book day i shall write story’s and read,read,read,until my little eyes practically plead to do this no!preferably your books if my visit to whsmith i soon.happy book day!
    love fifixx
    p.s when is world book day i am not sure when it is:)

    Posted by: F on 7th November 2017
  10. Are you ever going to get one of your books turned into a movie?

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
