Sundae Girl is in the shops!

I’ve been out and about lately – very busy! Hi to everyone I met at Elgin High School, Elgin Academy, Lossiemouth High, Speyside High, Forres Academy, Keith Grammar, Milne’s School, Westhill Academy, Tarland Primary, Kintore Primary, Kenmay Academy, Lode Heath School and finally Blythe Bridge Library! It was fab to meet you all!

Apologies to Katherine (USA), Sally, Rachael, Jess and Aimee – I tried to reply but your emails bounced back. Sorry!

Comments on Sundae Girl is in the shops!

  1. I bought sundae girl the other day and read it really quickly, I couldnt put it down! I think its one of the best books i’ve ever read, along with dizzy, indigo blue, diftwood and scarlett. Do you know what you will be writing next ?

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  2. I love this book so much. I think it’s probably the best book by Cathy Cassidy so far! It relates to real-life experiences in so many ways. I can’t wait to see all the other books Cathy Cassidy might write in the future!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  3. My mum came back from the UK (i live in France) on a late night flight, with Sundae Girl, and I stayed up until 3am to finish it! Will any of your books come out in french? I bet my mates would love them.
    Can’t wait ’til the next book!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  4. i loved Sundae girl! it was great and i was freaked out because my piano exam for grade 3 is coming up and i always get choccies for my teacher!!!!!!! i think it should definetely be marked as 10/10 and i love the plot i reccommmend this to anyone. i already got 6 of my friends onto it and they love it! keep it up Cathy!

    Posted by: Z on 7th November 2017
  5. I bought Sundae Girl the day it came out while Iwas shopping, and started reading it while standing in a que! I finished it on Friday and it’s brilliant! Keep writing!

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  6. i thought sundae girl was great! it was funny but it was sad aswell it was that good it made me cry at the end!!! i’ve now passed it on to my mom !!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  7. Sundae girl is the best book ever.I love all the characters,especially dad and victorica.Jude’s dad is so funny and a feel sorry for victorica who has to put up with it!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  8. I have just started reading sundae girl and i cant put it down!!! I have read all the other books and i cant wait for lucky star to come out in august! If i had to describe cathy cassidys books in one word i would say; magical!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  9. yesterday i went out and bought drifwood, scarlett and sundae girl. i read them all in one day!! sundae girl is they best!! i already had indigo blue and dizzy and though they were great. they are all fab!! x

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  10. sundea girl was great.I read it in 10 days and when you readsundae girl or any of cathys books it makes me feel that your a part of them.

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017

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