It’s time to decide how YOU’RE going to celebrate the first ever Cathy Cassidy National Best Friends Day… so you’re ready to join in the fun when July 4th rolls around! NBFD has kind of grown out of the annual My Best Friend Rocks comp… it’s a way EVERYONE can get together and celebrate friendship… with a little bit of cake stirred in for good measure, of course!

So… what do you need to do?

1. Check out the new NBFD page on the website and start planning your own party/picnic/sleepover for NBFD! There are lots of ideas, plus some cool downloads… everything you need to create your own extra-cool NBFD event! It’s all about friendship, fun, laughter… and cake! What’s not to like?

2. Join the Friendship Charter Challenge! I’d like 20,000 people to sign up to the CC Friendship Charter before NBFD 2010… it’s the perfect way to keep your friendship strong and show your best friends just how much they mean to you. Tell your classmates about it, too… let’s start off a friendship frenzy!!!

3. Come along to Waterstones, Piccadilly, London between 1-3-pm on NBFD itself, July 4th… and celebrate NBFD with ME!!! I will be signing copies of my new book Angel Cake, unveiling a giant Friendship Charte and launching NBFD in style! There will be Friendship Festival events, Random Acts of Kindness goodies and lots of yummy surprises… the event is free, so come along with your friends and celebrate NBFD with me!

What are you waiting for? Let me know how YOU’LL be celebrating… and spread the word!!!



  1. cathy u rock cant wait to read angel cakes!!!!!! it sounds really gud!i am having big party for NBFD!!
    hugs and kisses xxvita:-)

    Posted by: V on 7th November 2017
  2. hi cathy!
    how are you?

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  3. hi cathy!
    i can’t wait till nbfd cos i am going to have a bbq wiv my bff’s

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  4. Your advert made me laugh so much. MILLIE + GRACE LOVE YOU CATHY!

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  5. I think National Best Friend Day is a great idea for long-lived-best friends!Because it’s like anniversary to BF’s friendship!Me,Lauren and Rachel have been long-lived friends but now there friends with Aurora,Ellen,Olivia T and Leah (the popular girls,NOT or MAYBE).I’m best friends with Lizzie(99.9%),Claire(99.9%),Beth E(97%),Leah(10%),Eloise (only 9%).

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  6. Hi Cathy!
    I love your books. Lately I’ve read Gingerspaps. Its full of romance, fun and friend trouble. I loved it!
    My BFF, Rhiannon, means the world to me! I love her. She’s Unreal.
    Anyway, love the books, Keep Writing, Cathy!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  7. hey everyone just wanna let yu no that my best friend is serena!! weve been best mates since we were little n r still now. now the holz is commin up were see each other akl the time! Also for peoolle who havent read or got ginger snaps i totally recomend it its fantastic read it it less than 5 days couldnt take my eyes of it hehe just started angel cake luv it hope everyone enjoys it 2! luv yu serena my best mate 4 life! go cathy! woo angie x

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  8. hi cathy!=)
    i had a really kool NBFD!=)=)=)=)=)
    It was preety fun. i had a sleepover wiv my 2 bf’s, ivy & maya. we may get split up at the end of the year though! it’s cos ivy’s moving out of school and going to yamba(near queensland), maya’s probably going to pass the o.c test which will take her to another school and i will be left wiv no bf’s!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
