Is Dizzy based on a true experience?

Meeta wrote to ask me….

“I absolutely love dizzy, it is a great book. i just wanted to know how you came up with the character dizzy – is this a true experience?”

Well Meeta, it’s great that you’re loving Dizzy! Dizzy is not based on a true experience, Meeta, although I had lost of traveller friends and have always wanted to set a story in that world. The name came from a girl I met at a traveller wedding, Dizzy was a nickname for Denise, but it stuck in my mind and I knew I’d use it in a story one day!

Comments on Is Dizzy based on a true experience?

  1. i love cathy my favourite book is dizzy i love cathys books

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  2. Oh My god!! Dizzy is the best got me hooked the whole way long it was sad at the end when they had to say good-bye to mouse. I still cant believe Storm would do something like that.

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  3. Hiya i love all your books im reading indigo blue its so good so far when i was reading it to my teacher i could not stop laughing at the part where her mum was clumsy and i love shine on daizy star to how do you think of all the cool idea’s like when she broke her ankle (fake) and she stuffed the stripy socks down her swimming costume that was LOL

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017
  4. HI HI!
    I read lots of ur books! they r fab!
    i read dizzy, indigo blue, driftwood, shine on daizy star, cherry crush. strike a pose daizy star and letters to cathy! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  5. i luv u you are super cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i luv cherry crush and marshmallow sky im a big fan… iii llluuuvvv uuu

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  6. OMG! My grandma bought me this book, and I was like yeah whatevs, but when I read it… I COULDN’T PUT IT DOWN!!!!! I luv this book!

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  7. hi cathy!! i absolutely love ur books!! u r my new favourite author!! my first books was sundae girl! and i just came acroos it in the library and after reading that book i wa absolutely crazy to read your other books!!
    i was searching everywhere for the others after months i finally found driftwood, lucky star, indigo blue, scarlett though i have only read sundae girl and scarlett still!! would love to meet you in person!!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  8. Hey guys I’m a writer as well as Cathy Cassidy but not famous I am writing story’s so far out of 61 and yes I am going to write that much books I am good at writing ideasjust come to me non stop so yeah I know what it is like being an writer plus I love Cathy Cassidy books so byt for now and I am teaching my self spaninsh so
    Nos vemos

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  9. I love Dizzy it’s the best book I also love Lucky Star i think you should do a follow on for it that would be fab

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  10. DIZZY IS GREAT!!!! I was hooked. Please will you come somewhere near Northampton so you can sign it?

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017

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