Monday 31st March 2008
The Scottish school hols have just started (I know, I know, a bit late for easter!) and I’m off with my family for a week’s break in the Lake District… I’ll be taking my laptop with me and working on a new book while I’m away, promise!!!
Hope you’ve all sent in your entries for MBFR now… I can’t wait to start the judging. The entries I’ve seen so far look amazing!
If you’re still feeling creative, why not check out the YOU section of my website? You can look at my top tips for writers on the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page, and enter the fab new writing comp… or send in a poem to the YOUR WRITING page… a photo of yourself to YOUR PHOTOS… or a drawing of your fave character from one of my books to the YOUR PICTURES section. What are you waiting for? Check out the YOU section and get involved!
I won’t be checking or replying to my emails while I’m away, so be patient – I’ll catch up as soon as I can when I get back!
Cathy xxx
My favourite character is Finn.This is because he always knows what to say,The book made me dream about the day at the beach he and dizzy had(except I was dizzy),’Dizzy’ was my all time favourite book.
Love from helena xx
Hiya cathy, i cant belive i am actually emailing you!! any way i found out about you when i read Sundea Girl i thought it was awesome!, i borrowed lucky star, indigo blue and driftwood from the school libary and thought they were cool,my mate lent me scralet and i found out dizzy was popualer i asked my nan to but it ( hehe) when i looked on your website only a few weeks back i saw you were writing “ginger snaps!” cant wait for it to come out!!, Your numba 1 fan..X