Saturday 16th May 2009
Hey everyone… I am just leaving Singapore after a FAB few days and heading off to Australia. First I’ll be in Sydney, then Brisbane… then I am flying off to NZ for a couple of days and finally finishing off in Melbourne!
Soooo…. if you’re in Aus/NZ and not sure where I will be, or when, just click the CAMPER link on my website and you’ll find all the details. See you there!!!
If you are in the UK, check the CAMPER link anyway, because all my UK dates for the Angel Cake tour in July are up there too!
I’m really sorry I cannot visit every part of Australia, but it’s a pretty big place… if I don’t get out to see you this time, I’ll do my best next time around! If you are coming to one of the events, send a comment through the link below… and if you’re not, send one anyway!!!
Thanks again to all the brilliant readers I met in Singapore… a special thanks to the girls from United World College, The Australian School and Raffles Girls Primary; and also to everyone who came along to the Kinokuniya Bookstore and Borders Bookstore events; and to the fab winners of the Best Friends Photo Comp (Borders) and the MBFR Singapore Comp (Kinokuniya). It was great to meet you all!
Better go catch that plane now… keep posting the messages, and see you soon!
Cathy xxx
hi cathy,
my name is lilly and i like to read your books. Can you please send me an email? i am begging you!
Hi cathy,
i am from singapore, sorry i didn’t check my email didn’t know that you were coming already. Please come back again when your launch your new book and btw,I like mouse too…. I have been to New Zealand once and Australia trice, I can tell you, its AWESOME!!!! hope I can meet you the next time you come to Singapore….
maybe the next book could have something to do with austrilia in.they have weird christmas.havent you heard?
Christmas in Australia is REALLY fun. Its the perfect weather for the beach!!! Australian beaches are the most best beaches in the world. Once again Cathy, it was so good to see you in Sydney. And Please, Please write a story about a girl from Newcastle. HaHa
Biggest Aussie Fan; I promise xXx
for some reason angle cake was out in my local book store so i got it and i love it!!!
Thank you for visiting melbourne!! 😀
Hey Cathy
I love reading your books!
I heard you came to Noosa in Austraila but unfrotunately i missed it.
But my Grandma lives in England and said she will get a book signed for me on the 11th of July when you are in Liverpool.
You are an amazing writer!
Izzy xx
hi cathy!
i am begging you to send me an email because al i get in my inbox is…nothing.
hey cathy!
how are U? just wondering if you could…SEND ME AN EMAIL!
i think cathies books are really good.