Thursday 20th December 2007
First of all, I want to wish a very Happy Christmas to all my readers… enjoy every minute. Christmas is a magical time, so make sure you spread some happiness… and take time out to be with family and friends.
My Christmas is not shaping up too well this year. A few days ago, my lovely dad died unexpectedly. He had a stroke, a little like Jude’s gran in Sundae Girl, and just didn’t get through it. I’m hurting so much right now, and missing him terribly.
Readers often ask who inspired me to write, or who was my hero, and the answer to those questions has always been my dad. He shared my love of art and writing and gave me enthusiasm, determination and love of life. He showed me how to dream big and how to do my very best to make the dreams happen, and he always, always believed in me, even when others did not.
Things are still very raw for me and it might be a while before I am able to reply to my emails, so please be patient. I know you will understand, because you’re the best, most loyal readers ever. There’s one thing I would love you to do for me this Christmas… if you are lucky enough to have a family, go and hug them right now and tell them you love them. After all, that’s what Christmas is all about.
cathy i am so sorry about your dad but try to think about all the quality times you had together rather than this sad time at the moment
lots of Love
Lucy xxx
Im feel really sorry for you! Just keep your chin up and smile it alwayss helps!
Keep smiling!
I’m really sorry. I hope that you managed to have a lovely Christmas even so, and I just want to say that it is hard but think about all the special times you had. xx.
Im really sorry about what happend to your dad … Some of my friends have lost someone in there lives and they say that it is best to talk to people about it… And keep writing those incredible books … luv from chloexx
oh cassy thats terrible. Your so brave to carry on writing your books, please do there the best.I hope you feel better soon and i think that because you and your dad must have been so close which is some times unfortunately rare
Hey Olivia, try custom ordering it! That’s how got my hands on Indigo!! P.S I am in America! P.P.S, Cathy that’s terrible how you lost your dad!
Hey! It;s so terrible for you, I am sure you must be getting the blues. Anyway stay strong! This is life. It is short and one day everyone says goodbye, but now juz stay happy and smile everyday. That’s life. Anyway love your books. They are influential and give me a different perspective of other teens just like me. Your books sure set me to daydream a lot and give me inspiration in writing my own stories too! (p/s I love writing and cooking up new stories)
Hey Cathy! Thats Terrible, My Gran Died Last Year Near Christmas So I Know How You Feel 🙁
Byyyeee x
i’m so sorry cathy!
i bet where ever he is his proud to have you
That’s terrible news, cathy. My heart goes out to you.
Sophia. xxx