Thursday 2nd August 2007
My new book, Lucky Star, is out NOW in the UK & Ireland… what are you waiting for? Lucky Star is my fave book so far because Mouse is my fave character – and Mouse at the age of 14 is a whole lot of trouble, trust me! Get reading and let me know what you think!
I’m launching a FAB new comp to celebrate the new book, too – check out the VIP LONDON COMP and get inspired! You, a friend and parent/guardian could win a fantastic VIP tour of London, then join me at Greenwhich Observatory for a TWINKLING FRIENDSHIP FESTIVAL, followed by dinner and a planetarium show… wow!!!
If you weren’t a winner in the recent My Best Friend Rocks comp, here’s your chance to be lucky this time – go for it!!!!
Don’t forget to send me your feedback on Lucky Star!
Hey Cathy! I was so excited when I heard about Lucky Star (coz of Mouse mainly). I read it on holiday(in 2 days)it was the most enjoyable thing I did whilst there since I felt faint every time I went outside and got my arm burnt on a ciggarette. I love all of your books and I’ve some of them more than once! I’d like to be an author when I grow up if I cant work with babies with my best friend(we’d like to run a nusery and already have a business plan!)so I was wondering if you had any tips? I’m already quite good I’m always top of my class for english and and my teacher thinks I’ve got an excellent mind for it, but I still would appreciate the tips if you have any(Thanks if you do!)I’m so pleased to hear you have ideas for a Scarlett sequel.Love Hope
I read lucky star yesterday and loved it so much I started to read it again.
Im coming im coming im coming!!! just heard I won the vip london competition and im sooooo excited! im soo lucky! your my fav. author ever!!!
Hi Cathy im emily x Ive read every one of your books and I just wanted to ask about Dizzy and Finn in the carry on from Dizzy in Lucky Star. Its lovely that they stayed together all that time and the best thing about storys is you can make up what happens next and I really want to know….. Will they be TOGETHER 4 EVA!!!! It would be wonderful if you replied. I think they were made for each other! love from em x
Hi cathy i love reading your books and my favioret is obvioustly Scarlett coz i love books and i want to be a writter like you Xxx
Lucky Star is great it’s my second fave book ever! Scarlett is my first fave! I agree with Summer you HAVE to write a Scarlett sequel it was the best book EVER! I’m looking forward to your new books coming out!