Thursday 24th December 2009
Looks like we’ll be having a white Christmas here in Galloway… yay! Whether you have snow or slush or sunshine or anything else, I want to wish all my lovely readers a FAB and brilliant Christmas… enjoy every minute!
Don’t forget to tell me all about your best (and worst…) prezzies, what you’re doing and how you celebrate! You can even send your pics of you at Christmas through the YOUR PHOTOS link on the YOU section… I’d like to see you in your reindeer antlers and Santa hats! Remember, go easy on the Christmas pud, watch out for misteltoe and make this the best Christmas ever…
hi cathy for christmas i got a load of your books and i love them.i hope i don’t run out of them ,because my mum used to work at boders and got a load of free books.but now boders has shut down:( hannah Xxx
hi cathy for christmas of my aunt i got 5 of your books i am on my second one and i started yesterday love them and if it wasnt for tina (my aunt) i would have never known of youi love Rachael from Ireland may the luck be with you and merry christmas
ps i have writers block any tips
i really love the snow! it is great and i loved playing in it. unfortunally i had a cold so i coulden’t play in it as much as i wanted to.
love from Rowena
Hi Cathy! For Christmas my mom got me
Cathy Cassidy flips for Nds! I love it and I read from it all the time!
(We didn’t have a very white Christmas here in Ireland!)
Hi cathy!i’ve just finished dizzy it was fab i could not put it down.i’m reading lucky star at the mo and this will sound wierd,but i’ve only just figured out mouse is a boy!!!!!
Hope you had a Fabulous chistmas.I’ve just wrote my own book and i hope one day maybe it’ll be on the bookshelfs next to Scarlett one day!!!!!!!!!!
p.s:we had a white x-mas in Berkhamsted.
hi cathy got tons of stuff for xmas including a white and blue LG cookie.My fave book at the mo is Ginger snaps and runner up Angel cake. Hope you had a good xmas!x
Hey Cathy!
For Christmas this year, I got a Pink DELL Laptop, which, I’m on now!
I love it! I got slippers, bath stuff and bits and bobs!
My birthday was on 22.12.09 and it snowed really heavy and I had a great birthday.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!
Love Amber
I’m a bit ate writning this because it’s Febuary now but i’ve decided to write quite a long comment. 2009 was a rollercoaster ride for me, there were plenty of ups and downs. The main highlights were when I went on holiday for my birthday, when i went to Dounans with my school (it was so much fun), when i went to highschool and made lots of new friends and when it was new years eve and my best friend ever Maria and her sister Rebecca (Becca) came round (my little sister is really good friends with Becca). We either go to theirs or they come to ours every new year’s eve! I don’t get to see Maria that often because she lives about 45 minutes away and she doesn’t go to y school or anything but i’ve known her all my life and she really is my best friend, we’ve been on holiday together and everything. The lowlights of 2009 were falling out with my friends, me just doing things and wishing i could go back and my parents splitting up. I really hope this comment gets posted because I spent quite a while thinking of what to type and the first timei accidently deleted it all! All that’s left to say is have a great 2010! And best wishes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Heya Cathy!
Guess what but i’ve just been to wembely stadium to CHEERLEAD!!No joke…..anyway i loveeeeeeeeee your books!I’ve read loads of them!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ive read all cathys books im her no.1 FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN