As promised, a comp specially for overseas readers… we need a bit of sunshine here in the UK, so how about sending in some pics of you in the sunshine to cheer us up while we shiver?

Again, there will be 10 signed books from my backlist up for grabs as prizes, and the only rules are that this time you have to live OUTSIDE the UK & Ireland to be eligible to enter! Send a photo that will make us smile, one that looks sunny and sizzling and fab. I will post a selection of them on the YOUR PHOTOS page and the ten that look the most interesting/unusual/summery will be chosen to win a signed book.

Just send your photo as a Jpeg through this link, and remember to include your name and full address in case you are a winner (these details will not be published, promise).

And a special shout-out to all Aussie readers… if you were at my Melbourne signing in May 2009, good news – I finally have the link for the cool film Puffin took of it. Just click here or here to see! Happy days…

As for the rest of you… send me your sunny thoughts and ideas to warm up the winter a bit!



Comments on SUNSHINE COMP!

  1. hi cathy was your book Scarlett based on the west of IRELAND !!i would love for u to make a new book!!i think you are a really good writer!!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  2. maybe come visit adelaide, seymour college!

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  3. I think this comp will be great. I live in Brisbane a city in Australia. It’s summer here… But STILL cold!
    There have been flash floods in three suburbs. Right now, the sun is up, though. With is really good because it’s been raining for about 2 weeks. I can’t wait to read Pink Guitar and the other book you were writing. I haven’t seen them in stores.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  4. What book would you be giving out for the prizes

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  5. Katherine, any of the paperbacks… so anything but Angel Cake, as that is still in hardback here in the UK. I will email the winners and ask if they have a fave choice.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  6. I like nothing better than snuggling up in front of the fire with my little dog on my knee reading one of your books! Its the perfect way to keep me occupied in the cold weather! I CANT WAIT UNTILL PINK GUITAR COMES OUT!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  7. Here in Australia,the weather is incredibly warm and lovable. It’s be an unpredictable summer(weather wise) but otherwise its been full of great sunny memories. We’ll send in some pics of our hometown with possibly the best beaches in the world.

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  8. dear Cathy,
    im from Brunei and yeah yeah Brunei is a summer country all year long ( wet and dry ).
    haha. anyway, my long wait for my O level results is finally over. though i messed up my education, daydreaming in classes and even slept, i managed to score 9Os, which is greeeeaaaaaaaaaaat. not just that, i’ve gotten myself As in five of my sub and 3 strong credit. and luckily, my english literature is C6, which is really great since i almost fainted in the hall during the exam. hahahaha.
    right now, im having fun with my classmates in the town, bringing laptops around with the sun shines brightly and my feet ache for using high heels.anyway, we’ll soon start to go back to school, except now we’re nt togther anymore.
    i hope this year will be a great year to all of US. 🙂
    and i’ll try to take pics to enter this comp. :DDDD i really want to be among the ten and i hope the book is angel cake bcause there aren’t any yet in Brunei. i’ve ordered in 8 mnths ago and the bookstore hasn’t contact me yet.
    hope you’ll have a great year, Cathy. 🙂

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  9. Aussie summers in Melbourne. Its crazy hot down here!! I’ll definitely send some photos 2 u Cathy!!!

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  10. Hiya!
    Well, in New Zealand (NZ!) its been bad weather its sunny then rainy then sunny again!
    but i’ve had a amazing exeprience in the holidays. I went too Tonga (i’m tongan) and it was so so hot! lucky the beach is fantabulous!
    We had a small cyclone and it was raining but the rest was aboustley amazing. It was my first time in Tonga and it was amazing learning the culture.
    Well i was there i took 2 of your books too read!.I gave some of my cousins the books and they LOVED them!
    Thanks cathy cassidy for making amazing books,
    Yours Sincerely (lol!)

    Posted by: T on 7th November 2017

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