Thursday 12th February 2009
If you are in or around London on Friday 20th February, why not liven up your half-term by coming along to see me at The Imagine Childrens’ Literature Festival at the Southbank Centre, London? I’d love to see you all!
I’ll be talking about my books, especially Gingersnaps which has just gone into paperback, and also revealing more about Daizy Star and Angel Cake, coming in June and July. I might even give you a hint about a third book I’m writing just now, which will be out in October! I’ll also be signing books and telling everyone a bit more about the first ever National Best Friends Day on July 4th… it’s going to be COOL!!!
OK, details…. the event is at 2.30pm at Purcell Room, Southbank Centre, London, SE1 8XX
Tickets: Adults £7.00 and children £4.50
To book go to: or Tel 0871 663 2500
Watch out for pics and stories from the Gingersnaps Tour coming soon on the blog… but I’m doing a bunch more tour dates at the end of Feb, and this is just the first of those…
Hope to see you there!!!
I think that it would be so much fun to go but I unfortunatly can’t. I just finished reading Dizzy and I thought that it was great! I actually read it in two days! You are a great writer!!!
Hey, Cathy! For Christmas I got some money and I thought, might as well buy a book! Luckily I spotted ‘Ginger Snaps’, read the blurb, and bingo! Bought, read, greedy for more. You’re an amazing author and I put that book on my profile! I’m waiting eagerly for the ‘Sundae Girl’ to come out into the school library… well, Byez 4 now!! =]
I Have ALL your books and I love them ALL!!! I Cant wait until your new book comes out in july 😀
Hey Cathy, i am definitly making it on the 20th to see you, look our for me and my mum somewhere i nthe middle! I Love all of your books, even though i havent read driftwood, i know i love it already! my best book of yours is Gingerdsnaps, so fantastic and emotional, and i love that Mr Hunter! Can’t wait to see You1
Cathy, your books rock. Hope i can come. Ilive near London
Heyyyy I’d Love to meet you. I live in Ireland. I’d love to be an author and you inspire me!!!
I saw you at the Imagine festival and you rocked! My fave book is Driftwood, but I adore all of them!
that’s so cool! 🙂 i love cathy. i can not wait for angel cake and for the tour. i cant wait for pics! and once again cathy u ROCK!
I really want to come i have begged but i dont live in London !!!!
I hope it goes well though 🙂
I really wish I could go but I live in wiltshire,I abserloutly love dizzy and indigo blue,I am reading lucky star!
you rock!