Well, I am back home from my UK Angel Cake tour and I have a challenge for you! I hope you all had a brilliant time on NBFD… now how about taking the friendship theme a bit further?

All you have to do is click onto the FRIENDSHIP CHARTER link and read the six simple promises there… they are things I’ve come up with along with ChildLine the fab children’s charity, with the aim of helping young people all around the world to make their friendships stronger. Are you ready to say ‘no’ to bullying and ‘yes’ to the power of friendship? Then sign up online on the FRIENDSHIP CHARTER link!

We want to get 20,000 names on that charter by next National Best Friends’ Day, so I need you all to sign up… and to tell your friends and classmates to do the same! If you are outside the UK, please sign up too, and spread the message to your friendship group. We really can make a difference! You can even print out a certificate to say you’ve signed up… go for it! Don’t forget to let me know if you do sign up!

I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone I met on my fab UK tour, and to all the schools, libraries and bookshops for making me so welcome. It’s great to now you are all enjoying Angel Cake! Have YOU read it yet? What do you think? I hope you like it!

CC x


  1. hey your the best haw do you do it cos when i write a story its rubbish and small how do you write long and brillent storys im you number 1 fan

    Posted by: B on 7th November 2017
  2. hey cathy i lurve ur books especially angel cake its ace i read it 5 times and now all my mates want to read it even my brother who hates reading luv ya & keep writing books for me!!:) *mia* x

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  3. Hi Cathy, big fan of all your books, they are totally fabulous. You should consider writing a magazine or something, it’d be a huge hit, i think all of us would buy it! Email me to talk about the idea!

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  4. Hi cathy! I just have to say that Kirsty person who said you should write a magazine is pure genius. in fact i’m a little jealous i didn’t think of that, hahaha. PLEASE DO THAT IDEA! xx gabbie

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017
  5. my fav book was scarlet and i liked dizzy!! by the way hi gabbie hi kristy and hi everyone!! i really enjoyed all the books so much

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  6. hi cathy, I really really like your books ive read scarlet, ginger snaps, sundae girl, and lucky stars they are fab and am now savin up to buy more.
    they were gr8 hols reads cant wait to read more. keep on writing !!!!!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  7. wel cathy u cam 2 carick on suir libray in ireland luv ur books x.x.x.x x0 x0 x0 mabe ya shud make second parts of ur books ……….. ha 0 0x x0 0x part 2 and 3 u get me ha my fave book wa angel cakes ha x*x*X*x*x*

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  8. Hello Cathy! I am Maria and I am 12 years old. I am a portuguese girl who loves your books! You are one of my favourite writers. I´ve read three of your books: Dizzy, Indigo Blue and Driftwood. Unfortunately here in Portugal none of your other books are in the bookstores. I love the way you right. Your books are fabulous Cathy! Xoxo Mary.

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  9. To cathy, I can’t wait for your new book to come out! I have all of your books, and have read them countless times, so i can’t wait to read more!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  10. Hi Peeps,
    Hey I love your books Cathy!.You are A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!. Oh and to all the people who go on stardoll im Miss.Georgie665 . Anyway back to you Cathy,lol I would love to live your life your so adventorus and i bet your not scared of the teeniest weeniest spiders,like me lol :P.

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017

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