Ever wished you could read the CC books on your Nintendo DS? Now you can… from December 4th onwards, you can buy six Cathy Cassidy books as a fab new FLIPS INTERACTIVE BOOKS set… wow!

The six books in the set are Angel Cake, Scarlett, Gingersnaps, Driftwood, Sundae Girl and Shine On Daizy Star… and as well as six complete books you get quizzes, games, activities, amazing unlockable extras and the option to share a chapter with a friend! Reading has never been quite so cool! Have a look at a video of how it works here.

To celebrate, we’re launching a fab new COMP to get you all in the Christmas mood! Check out the COMPS page and you could win one of five signed FLIPS sets for Nintendo DS. And one lucky reader will an amazing DSi console as well! What are you waiting for?

I love books… the feel of them, the smell of them, the whole idea of them… but trust me, the FLIPS books are super cool. Those extra games and quizzes and collectables are a LOT of fun… and it’s the perfect way to take six whole books with you on holiday, for example… all in one teeny game-card for your Nintendo DS! The CATHY CASSIDY FLIPS set is a must for your Christmas list… and mine!!!

Click the COMPS link send your entries in… and tell me what you think about the idea of reading your fave CC books on Nintendo!


Comments on FABBY FLIPS COMP!!!!

  1. OMGGGG , i saw the game advertise on T.V and its all i want for chrimboooo please santa ! i went besurk after seeing the advert and i cant wait lover you truly BIGGEST FAN ( I REALLY AM YOUR BIGGEST ) love elle

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  2. cool nothing reely to say

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  3. i have read 5 books and they were all awesome i am hoping to get ‘letters to Cathy’ for Christmas cause it sounds fabulous like all of your other awesome books!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  4. i realy want flips for xmas but my mum has gone into every single shop and they are all sold out ! wat can i do ?

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017
  5. hey,I have read all yr books n I absolutely LOVE IT!! even if im too old 2 read the books. i read my 1 book wen a friend lent it to n i fell in love with d book since. i simply just love MOUSE!

    Posted by: I on 7th November 2017
  6. I love your books, and I also love flips I am reading Sundae Girl at the moment and it is so good!!
    I almost have all of your books I just need Dreams and Doodles Day Book And Letters To Cathy!!!

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  7. WOWOWOWOWO!!!!!!!!!!! Just entered (no chance! lol) I hope one of you who have posted these comments win!! U all sound so nice,so GOOD LUCK BABES!! xx luv u cathy xxxx

    Posted by: X on 7th November 2017
  8. hi Cathy,i adore your books,and i love the idea of fabby flips cause if youre going on a plane or some thing you dont need to take millions of books with you you can just take your nintendo d.s and read your books,i cant wait to read angel cake,my favurite books of yours are ginger snaps and indogo bluei always read the beginning of angel cake from the back of ginger snaps o.k bye lots of love Aaminah Lulat

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  9. hi cathy i can not belive that there is a nintendo going . i realy want to win because i am 13 and i dont have a ds but all my friends do. its not that i am not aloud one its just to much money . if i won the ds it would be the best thing that has ever happend to me . i would not be the odd one out . even though this contes is to win ds games i would give them all to my friends , to make them feel happy

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  10. Hi Cathy! I really want to win the five copies of cathy cassidy flips and a dsi beacuse my BFF has one and I really want one!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017

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