Tuesday 24th November 2009
OK, it’s ALMOST December, and that means just one thing… Christmas is coming! It’s my fave time of year. I love seeing the fairy lights twinkling in the dark streets, the tinsel, the Christmas trees, the stockings hung over the fireplace. I love the smell of cinnamon and satsumas and warm mince pies… sigh.
Christmas traditions are fab – I loved researching Polish Christmas traditions for Angel Cake, and loved writing the Christmassy bits in that book, too! The best thing of all about Christmas, though, is spending time with special friends and family… and taking time out to show each other how much we care. That’s cool!
What are YOU planning for Christmas this year? We asked the DREAM TEAM readers for their Christmas ideas – check out what they have to say below and on the DREAM TEAM page! Don’t forget to send in YOUR fave things about Christmas through the comments link below… and of course, let me know which CC books would be on your Christmas list!
Oh, and I have a very special Christmas surprise coming for you all soon… watch this space!
Zoe B
If you had to pick 1 Cathy Cassidy book, which one would you ask for for Christmas?
Angel Cake – Even though I already have it, it’s a great Christams gift because it’s the latest one and it’s sweet, like Christmas!
Zoe S
Other than CC books (of course!) what else are you really hoping for this year for Christmas?
This year, I am really hoping to get a microphone for Christmas.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
My favourite thing about Christmas is the excitement of everyone being happy and how everywhere you go it’s constantly buzzing! Also spending the day with my family and celebrating Christmas for what it actually is! But as well, the presents make the whole day a bit enjoyable!!!
heyy xx iluv christmas! i luv gettin ma frends prezzies and i luv seein all the decorations!! cant wait xx merry crimbo every1 xxx 😛
My favourite time of year is when it’s Christmas. I love the potatoes, turkey, mince pies, brussell sprouts (even though I don’t like them, it reminds me of christmas), the twinkly lights, tinsels, christmas trees, the movies that come on TV, getting presents, and the one thing that rounds it up – having a good time with my family, celebrating Jesus’s birthday.
hi cathy i jus lurve yr books…i hope i’ll get one for my presents!merry christmas!!
Hi Cathy!
I really luv your books! I haven’t got them all, but I’m hoping I will get one for Christmas.The book that will be on my wishlist is Dizzy and Driftwood.
Merry Christmas Cathy!
Hi Cathy, I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I especially love the 1st December, when you’re allowed to start your advent calendar, and the town’s christmas light switch on is on! Oh and of course I love christmas day itself! 😀
I’m hoping to get Letters To Cathy for one of my christmas presents! 🙂
Christmas is really exciting! I can`t wait. The best thing about christmas is rushing downstairs in your pyjamas and open your pressies! Christmas is soooooo cool…Who wouldn`t like christmas?
CC is the best! I’ve read all her books, but I love them all. My two favourites are Scarlett and Angel Cake, so I’d recomend them for christmas. Happy christmas CC fans. xoxoxoxox
I am looking foward to getting lots of prezzies! Ummm, Sophie Tomlinson is that you? If so I am really glad you are back!!
i luv christmas and prezzies!! ihope u all have an awesome CHRISTMAS!! :-)(-:
Well um……… don’t laugh bbbut my country does not celebrate Christmas