Friday 5th March 2010
Hey… I am just off on a fab overseas tour to Beijing in China… how cool? I can’t wait to meet my readers in Beijing… and do a little exploring, too!
I have just finished writing Cherry Crush, phew… so I can really relax and enjoy my tour now! Cherry Crush is the first in a brand new series for readers aged 9-14… it will be out in September and I think you’re going to LOVE it!
There’s lots more news and info coming your way VERY soon, but meanwhile I thought I’d ask what’s the most amazing place YOU’VE ever visited… and why?
See you soon!
CC xxx
Hello Cathy. Wow I really hope you have lots of fun! The most amzing place i have ever been was Turkey where I could sit on the beach and watch the sunset wih my lemonade in one hand and gingersnaps in the other! xx
Hey that sounds sooooo cool!!!
i hope you have a great time
lots of lov xxxx
Wow! China. I went to Austrilia last year.. it was amazing.
SEPTEMBER!? How can we wait that long!!??
Lol happy st. Patricks day 😉
hey cathy,
china is awesome!
ive been to the great wall of china and its really fun!
The Bst place I’ve ever been is Cairns in Qld Aus. Its SO hot over there. I was sweating every day. And we went in WINTER!!! And i was wearing a syntetic Dress to a wedding!!
hi cathy o my god your going to china that is so cool i am so jealous have a fantastic time and stay safe love you loads bronagh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Cathy, wow Beijing sounds soo cool! The best place I ever went to is probably Africa. It was amazing and I hope to go there again some day! xxx
Cathy I love your stories! They bring the warmth to my heart! I have each copy! I am just a huge fan! I love your work!!!
Hey Cathy! Woaw, China! I wish I could be there to see you, but I know you will love it there… it’s amazing, if I do say so myself :PP