Sunday 30th November 2008
Only a few weeks left until Xmas… woo! Have you got your Xmas lists written? Don’t forget to add in any CC books you don’t yet have – and if you don’t have a copy already, check out the Cathy Cassidy Dreams & Doodles Daybook!
It’s not a story, like my other books, but a cross between a diary and a writer’s notebook/doodle book. It’s the perfect way to get creative – scribble down ideas for stories/poems/song lyrics, sketch out a cool new character or turn your crush into a cute manga-pic!
There are even a couple of pages taken from my own writer’s notebook to show you how I jot down story ideas and build up cool characters! And then there’s the diary bit, so you can practice your writing by doing a little bit every day… You can even fill out all your secret hopes ‘n’ dreams… and work out how you’re going to make them come true! What are you waiting for? The Cathy Cassidy Dreams & Doodles Daybook is available in all good bookshops now, in UK and Ireland. Got to put it on that Xmas list!!!!
How about my Xmas list? I’m wishing for a white Xmas, and a New Year full of daydreaming time and cool new books…
What’s on your list, and why? Send your comments through the link below and I’ll post the best online!
I don’t want anything specific for christmas, just bits and bobs from the shop “The Lemon Tree”. It has pretty lanterns 🙂
All i want to say is…
Cathy, you write the most amazing books ever. They make me feel so happy and i want to read them over and over again. Then i just want to dream…
Georgia xx
P.S It would be great actually if you could start writing a new book for the new year!:D
I’d LOVE that!
Also, i need “Driftwood” (i NEED to read it again :P) ,”Ginger Snaps” and “Cathy Cassidy Dreams & Doodles Daybook” to complete my collection! Hopefully for xmas 🙂
Hi Cathy,
I love your books! The first book i had was Indigo Blue. It came with a “Indigo Blue Key chain” but i lost the key chain after bringing to school for a few months. I love your books so much that i have the whole collection of it. I didn’t have the love, peace and chocolate though, it wasn’t available in my country.
Anyway, for Christmas, i want a dreams and doodles day book and the love, peace and chocolate novel. I also wish that i would have a better year and make better friends. I hope for the best in everything
All I want for Christmas is some more of your CC books and other books and shoes and vouchers and stuff.
Enjoy your Christmas
hey, next year im going to highschool and i think your books are soooo goood cos they’re relivent to real life! i think ur books will help me alot! any way….. what i want for christmas is to meet you ,cathy cassidy! that is my dream, it has since i was eleven and it still will be when im fifty……. well maybe not. Lol
I really can’t wait til Christmas!We’re already decorating our form room. It looks brill coz we made paper chains in pairs or trios and joined them all together. At the end of term the staff are doing a panto. This year it is ‘Allo ‘Allo. Can’t wait til Christmas bbz!
Heyya x
I am a great lover of your books I have all of them. Are you writting a book at the moment if so i can’t wait for it.
P.S you are the best Author in the history of Authors.
I love your books i have them all!
love Kizzy…xx
p: your the best author ever!
Well i have all your books apart from the doodles one the newest one 😀 and not to worry i am currently on amazon getting it 🙂 i love your books you inspired me to read and i want to be a writer anyway and am currently doing so much extra coursework. i am determind to live my dream and am going to start off by writing an auto biography which i am starting as we speak.. as someone once told me. no better time than the present :D… love always 🙂 xox Serena 🙂
I love all yr books, and you should make a follow up to One of your books, like you did with Dizzy. The doodles book is deff on my list. I love reading and doodling all the time XD