Most of us spend our time rushing around, trying to get everything done that we need to but often way too busy and stressed to manage it… and sometimes, we forget the really important stuff! I had a very cool email recently from reader Duck G from Scotland… whoa! Take a look!

“a little while back everyone had a theory the world would explode. i didn’t believe it, but it made me think. What if it WAS proven the world was gonna go boom and you had 24 hours left… what would you do? i’d fly down to england to visit my half-nieces and do at least 5 good deeds for the planet… i’d send all of my friends cards and buy a big fat notebook as a present for myself. i’d give each member of my family a big hug and throw glitter and shiny stars out of the window…”

Hmmm. I love Duck’s ideas… and maybe we shouldn’t wait until the world is ending to do the things that matter! What would YOU do?


Comments on WHAT WOULD YOU DO???

  1. I would do stuff I have always wantewd to do like go bungee jumping and sky diving. I’d hug all my friends, be bad at school, spend all my money and scream “I LOVE YOU WORLD” as loud as i could x

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017

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