Sweet Honey

HONEY. Ringletty blonde hair, creamy skin, artistic, moody, charming . . .

Honey is going to live with her dad in Australia. Determined to make a fresh start, she couldn’t be further away from the tough times at Tanglewood.

Her new life is a dream come true – until school begins. The girls are different from Honey’s friends in England and the only person who seems to understand her is the cute boy from the beach she’s chatting to online.ย But when he, the girls at school and even her dad start breaking promises, who can she trust?

All alone on the other side of the world, Honey’s past is about to catch up with her . . .

> Find out more about the issue of cyberbullying in this book

> Click here to order from your nearest indie bookshop!



Reviews of Sweet Honey

  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: L on 17th April 2020
  2. Perfect definition of Sydney.

    Posted by: H on 29th April 2020
  3. It was the best book ever! I recommend it to everyone.

    Posted by: S on 14th May 2020
  4. Recently, my dad bought ‘Sweet Honey’ from Amazon, and as soon as I read it all I decided there and then I was going to write another book (I’ve already wrote a book and I’m planning to email it to you, Cathy!) The book I’m going to write is going to be about Tara’s life, one of Honey’s BFFs. I’ve not thought about all of it yet, but I’m definitely going to type my thoughts about Tara’s thoughts all in a book and email it to Cathy! I’m really inspired by Cathy Cassidy, and, even though I’m ten, I count myself as an author, just without published books!
    From Betty (An old-fashioned name, but I’m proud of it. I’m different with it!)

    Posted by: B on 15th May 2020
    1. That sounds awesome… and of course you are a writer, published or not. A writer is someone who love to write, and I was just like you at that age. I hope that one day I will be buying YOUR books! Keep reading, keep writing, keep smiling! xx

      Posted by: Cathy Cassidy on 17th May 2020
  5. Wait. Whoever wrote encouragement to me was CATHY CASSIDY, wasn’t it? If you are Cathy, I feel honored to receive a comment from you! I know loads of people say their your biggest fan, so I’m just going to say…I’m ONE of your biggest fans!

    Posted by: B on 17th May 2020
  6. Yeah I loved Sweet Honey soo much and great twists at the end! I read it in one night and then again the next day!

    Posted by: E on 20th May 2020
  7. dear cathy sweet honey is one of my favourite books. i sometimes wish i had a life like hers 3 sisters and one stepsister

    Posted by: S on 11th June 2020
  8. Pls Cathy i would really appreciate if u make your books downloadable from the site and not on only ibookstore pllllsss i am a big fan of Marshmallow sky and i am commenting from Nigeria

    Posted by: T on 25th June 2020
  9. I love this book . Ur books are very interesting. I can read them for hours.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    Posted by: h on 29th June 2020
  10. One of the best books that is ever written. It is defenoughtly my absolute favourite book and I thought Nick Arnold was the best for how funny he is

    Posted by: Anonymous on 2nd July 2020

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About Cathy Cassidy

I love my family, I love my animals, my home and my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best โ€“ itโ€™s the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

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